Thursday, July 21, 2011

Ethan is 2!!!!!

My son turns 2 tomorrow. I am so proud of the kid he has become there are no words....well, that's not goes....
Becoming a mother for the first time is a terrifying, beautiful experience. I had no clue motherhood wold be so fulfilling and so stinking hard at the same time. It has been, in the words of another great mom, "an endless opportunity for guilt and worry." My heart sings knowing he is in my life.
Ethan is a strong willed and smart boy's boy. He is a lover of people. He is the BEST giver of hugs.
I feel like Ethan is more like his dad than he is like me. Sometimes that is good; sometimes it is the most challenging part of being his mom. It is always stretching me and always keeping me on my knees.
He has taught me much about being a mom. I had no idea there would be so much to learn. "E" baby, here are a just a few things you have taught your momma....

  • He taught me labor pains are NOT in your stomach

  • He has taught me the importance of admitting that I...the wrong at times

  • He has taught me that when it comes to kids...more is CAUGHT that TAUGHT

  • He has taught me that to a certain degree we can mold our kids. But, they are really born with personalities that simply God given

  • He taught me to never again say, "when I have kids I will never....(whatever)". Yeah right. You will eat your words at some point

  • He has taught me the importance of journaling and taking pictures. He has grown so quickly. You think you will remember every cute thing they say and do, but you just won't

  • He taught me eating whatever you want during pregnancy will still be kicking your in the a$$ years later

  • Ethan has shown me a momma-bear side of myself that I didn't even know existed

  • He has taught me that a child's actions are not always the result of the child's parenting

  • He has lovingly has shown me that breastfeeding is NOT the most easy, natural, beautiful thing in the world

  • I learned fast that colic SUCKS

  • Ethan continues to show me that the line between wanting my kid to be brave and ready for the world and yet wanting to shelter him from the dangers of it is so often blurred

  • I have learned that to some degree it's ok to negotiate with my kid (even as a toddler)

  • He has taught me I cannot parent without Jesus, PERIOD.

  • He has helped me to give grace to my parents. They too were first time parents and, like me, are did the very best they could.

  • He has taught me what it's like to love something so much it almost physically hurts. I have never known love like that before becoming a mom.
I have learned so much about myself because of him, the good, the bad and the ugly. My prayer is that God will honor the attempts I have made to parent him in the best way I know how. This child rearing stuff isn't easy, but he is worth every second.

I love him FIERCELY!!!

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