Tuesday, July 3, 2012

One of those 'kid' days...

Today just seems to be one of those days where I cannot stop thinking/praying/looking at pictures of my kid. Have you every had one of those days? I don't know, exactly, what it is.
I have an almost three year old. We have had a tough and rough few years, but this little one is amazing. I get it...he IS three and I have heard everyone tell me how resilient and strong kids are. But, at the same time, when your family goes through trials and you look at your kid(s) and see just how strong they really are...it will floor you.
That's what happened with me, just last night. My son started a new school yesterday. Because I am a single mommy, we don't have the option for him to stay at home with me (even though that would be great, I still think having him in school is a better choice - for him!). He is at school at 715 daily and I pick him between 4-430. That's a long day. It's a long day for me not to see him interact and play and sleep and eat and learn. It's a long day for him to be away from home, his bed, his personal toys and also surrounded by all those other kids. But here we are. In the midst of starting this new school, we moved also. On top of that, my son's time with his father has changed a few times. Talk about inconsistencies and roller coasters. I worry. If you ask my mother, I worry more than the entire USofA combined, but nonetheless, I worry. I worried that all the change and disruption in my little guys life was/is going to affect him well into his 40's (I know crazy, but hey). I over analyzed and over thought most things with. I always want to give him my very best and had to learn that my very best is totally different than other families.
Back to last night. I made some dinner, ok, WE made dinner. Now that he is almost 3 he loves to help cook. He wants to touch and participate in everything. So last night we grilled turkey burgers, cut a tomato, washed grapes, unwrapped some veggies...all together. As you can imagine the 20 minutes process really took an hour....but, it was worth it. As we sat down to eat, he looked over (while sitting in the big boy chair) and exclaimed, "MOM!" I immediately looked at him and of course, said what's up dude?? Without missing a beat my little 3(ish) year old said, "O, I love you." Yes mommies, he really did. He wasn't coaxed into saying it. He was asked to say it. He said it all on his own.
Later that evening as I was watching a very educational documentary (aka The Bachellorrette), I saw him playing with his Lego's on the floor. He was making a house and the "mommy" was telling everyone what to do (no judging, a mom's gotta do what a mom's gotta do). When I asked him what he was playing, he said he was playing "home." I got down and played with him for a bit and experienced the BEST moment to date for this mom. I made some sort of a crazy comment about the show and he turned to me, put his hand on my cheek and said, "It's okay mommy, I here." In that moment I realized how right he was. I just love him!!

1 comment:

  1. He is sucha sweetie! Hug him for Little Girl and we will see you guys in a little over a month. xoxo
