There is a lot of wreckage going on in my life currently. So much so that rising up from it seems virtually impossible. I know it will happen, I'm a strong person. I know it will take time, I'm an able person. I know there will be peace again, I'm a believing person. But sometimes, the wreckage can be overwhelming.
Having to rise up from any form of wreckage usually goes hand in hand with finding confidence again. As I look back over the last two years I can see a trend. As the "wreckage" gets deeper, my confidence level gets lower. Confidence in everything. It's a hard place to be. It's a dark and lonely place to be. Rising up from hurt, pain, anger, shaken confidence can be a feat and many people don't, can't, won't do it. It's much easier being the person that says, "Woe, is me." It's much harder to be the person that stands up and determines that no matter what has happened, it can be okay, it will be okay, and ..... rise up. There was a song back 2007 by R. Kelly (I know, really? R. Kelly...but read the words). The chorus goes like this:
"Rise up, when you feel you can't go on. Rise up, when you feel your hope is gone. Rise up, when you're weak and you can't be strong. Rise up, when the tears start to fall. Rise up, when you feel you've given it your all."
I have no idea the background story to this song, or why it was written. But how appropriate. Rising up, rebuilding your confidence isn't easy, no one said it would be. But there is help. There is hope in the idea that rising up from the wreckage can be done. It is a daunting and overwhelming task. It's scary and hard and painful. But it is possible.
"Such confidence as this is ours through Christ before God. Not that we are competent in ourselves to claim anything for ourselves, but our confidence comes from God." 1 Cor. 3:4-5
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