I do. A lot. In fact, I think I might be in my own category. I worry about the big things all the way to ridiculous things. For example, I worry about making sure that all of our bills are paid next month, but I also worry about making sure my TWO YEAR OLD is on the waiting list for the right kindergarten. WHAT?! How can this be? Why worry so much? My mom always tells me to take everything one day at time. Here is how absolutely ridiculous I can be...I worry at times, that I'm worrying too much. HELLO.........uuuummmm yes.
Today was one of those worrisome days. A lot has been changing in my world for the past several months and worry just seems to come with the territory. I wish I could be one of those people that sits back and says, "I have to take life one day at a time." No way! I am a planner, a list maker, an organizer (an organized life is a happy life....), a pre-meditated, multitasker who likes to know the answers to questions asked of her and who doesn't like "constructive feedback." That's just not me.....
So, today, as I walked through this day (a day by the way that was just....bad), I wondered...why do I worry so much? After all day of thinking about this and trying to gather some sense of semblance about what was/is going on in my world, I still don't have answer. Could it be that some of us are just programmed to worry? Could it be that I am just a "worry-wart?" Or (now get ready, Im going to get a bit spiritual) could it be that I am trying to control things that are ultimately out of my control?
We are commanded not to worry. Easy for them to say! But when I think about it, how much faith would it take for me to say, "ok God, all You. I have no idea how the bills will get paid. I have no idea if we will be safe. I have no idea if my son will be okay. But, all You." That takes faith on a level that I rarely am at. But, my prayer is that one day I will be that person that can say, it's all you God, because I can't. Today was a day of worry, but my prayer is that that gets better (at least a little) and that life as I know it...tomorrow....will be a little less worrisome!
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